Robotic Scanning X-Ray Spectrometer

This was my capstone engineering project at CSU, Chico for Stanford University’s accelerator laboratory (SLAC). The project replaces existing equipment used in Johann-type Hard X-Ray Spectrometers, drastically improving experiment setup time with a new crystal analyzer mounting system and closed-loop, control-over-LAN alignment software.

The system designed by our capstone project team utilizes Mecademics Meca500 robotic arms to position crystal analyzers along a spherical plane focus scattered x-rays towards a detector. Detector intensity is fed to the alignment software over LAN to automatically calibrate the system. This replaces a system of manual alignment that in conjunction with a quick mounting crystal analyzer end effector mount reduces setup time from two hours to twelve minutes.

The mounting solution we designed utilizes a screw mechanism and skeletonized design that allows users to quicky and securely mount crystal analyzers to Meca500 robot arms while weighing a mere 48 grams.

The project was for a subdivision of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory called the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, which operates and performs experiments with a circular particle accelerator. The team we worked with performs spectrometry, a technique where samples are illuminated with x-rays and the radiation the sample then emits is used to determine the elemental composition of the sample.